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Ginger and Garlic– Your best friend in life!
Ginger and Garlic have a very special place in every kitchen. And has a very important role to play in almost every cuisine of the world. But not just for the flavour they provide but for their benefits. Ginger and garlic are being used in different ways and for their different characteristics. And today you are going to learn some more from here. Why should you include them in your food and what are some of the perks of consuming them daily? Let’s dive deep into it.
Ginger is not popular for its taste only but for the range of good health benefits it provides. Whether it’s for flu or nausea, ginger is the first choice of Indian mothers to provide instant relief to their kids. Gingerol, the natural component present in ginger enhances gastrointestinal motility. Hence, its benefits are not limited to one or two but there are many.
Ancient history is proof of all the health benefits of garlic. And modern science now recognizes that there are several medicinal uses for garlic. The uses of garlic have been documented by many major civilizations including, the Greeks, Chinese, Romans, Egyptians, and Babylonians. These all health benefits are supposed to be because of the sulfur compounds present in garlic.
Benefits of Consuming Ginger and Garlic
- Have the ability to decrease inflammation (inflammatory properties)
- Dried garlic powder contains: Allin, diallyl disulfide (DADS)
- Reduce heart diseases factors including, increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar levels
- Beneficial for people who have diabetes
- Help protect you from certain types of cancers. For eg: breast cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer
- Promote a healthy immune response
- Relieve cold/flu, nausea, pain
- Improve cardiovascular health
- Fight infections
The list may go long and you will be surprised to know the many benefits of ginger and garlic. The best part of adding them to your food is that you can use the powdered forms of these. And they will equally benefit you in the raw form.
For busy people, it becomes difficult to use fresh ginger and garlic all the time, as the ginger root dries after some time in the refrigerator. To ease this and to make it more convenient, we have brought a new edition of ginger and garlic powder. To add these super ingredients to your daily life, click here .
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